Hello, I’m Sam Amenn and this is the Patreon for the Art of Asymmetrical Warfare.


I am an amateur historian and I have a masters in international relations. My passion is in asymmetrical conflicts and state formation, particularly that dangerous period of time when a conflict is ending and the rebels need to learn how to function as a state or succumb to further conflict. I earned my masters from the University of Chicago and my bachelors from the Virginia Military Institute, primarily focusing on 20th century anti-colonial insurgencies.

The Podcast

The Art of Asymmetrical Warfare podcast discusses the history of various asymmetrical conflicts, focusing on the human and tactical dimensions. Join us as we explore civil wars, guerilla warfare, various resistance movements and stretch the definition to delve into civil disobedience and civil rights movements.

The first season discussed the 1920’s IRA and has a nice mixture of big picture episodes, more specialized tactical episodes, and interviews with amazing scholars.

The current season is discussing the Central Asian Civil Wars of the 1920s and is proving to be a lot of fun, but also very demanding in terms of research and succinct summation. I am really excited to dive deep into the regional politics and conflicts and have interviewed a number of renown and fascinating scholars that I can’t wait to share with you.

After that, I’m hoping to dive into (in no particular order) the French-Algerian War, the Irish Civil War, and either the United States’ genocide against the indigenous peoples of North America or the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.

The Blog

The blog is designed to share my podcast research in a written format as well as provide book and film reviews and allow me to cover topics that don’t necessarily have to do with asymmetrical warfare.